Our target is to reduce direct and indirect emissions from our own operations by 75% from the 2021 baseline by 2030. In 2021, our Scope 1 and 2 emissions were totally 826.7 t CO2e, so by 2030 at the latest, our own operations Scope 1 and 2 emissions can be no more than 207 t CO2e.

From the year 2021 (826.7 t CO2e) to 2022 (1189.5 t CO2e), our Scope 1 and 2 emissions increased by 44 %. This is an increase of 363 t CO2e.

The reason for the increase in emissions is the mixed electricity we buy, that is without the guarantee of origin. Our electricity-based emissions more than doubled as the emissions factors doubled: in 2021, the electricity we bought emitted 353 t CO2e and in 2022, 816 t CO2e. The increase was 463 t CO2e. While an ever-smaller share of Finland’s electricity production is generated with fossil fuels, the majority of renewable electricity is sold with guarantees of origin. As a result, the emissions factor of the residual distribution was almost double in 2022 compared to 2021. In 2023, we continued to use same mixed electricity without the guarantee of origin.

We are well on track to reduce energy consumption: in 2022, total consumption was 16 % down on the previous year. Our energy consumption was totally 4650 MWh in 2021 and 3900 MWh in 2022. In 2023, we continued to implement energy saving measures for electricity, heating, and cooling in our buildings.

We are exploring a switch to zero emissions electricity, which would according to our calculations reduce emissions from our own operations by around 65 %. Emissions from the district heating we use are falling as district heating companies invest in zero emissions sources.

Tammer Brands has an average of 10 vehicles at its disposal. Our company vehicles have been petrol and diesel cars, but we purchased our first full electric cars in late 2022. New vehicles are mainly full electric or hybrid cars.